Wednesday, August 4, 2010

6. Remind Yourself that When You Die, Your "In Basket" Won't Be Empty

So many of us live our lives as if the secret purpose is to somehow get
everything done. We stay up late, get up early, avoid having fun, and
keep our loved ones waiting. Sadly, I've seen many people who put off
their loved ones so long that the loved ones lose interest in
maintaining the relationship. I used to do this myself. Often, we
convince ourselves that our obsession with our "to do" list is only
temporary - that once we get through the list, we'll be calm, relaxed,
and happy. But in reality, this rarely happens. As items are checked
off, new ones simply replace them.
The nature of your "in basket" is that it's meant to have items to be
completed in it - it's not meant to be empty. There will always be
phone calls that need to be made, projects to complete, and work to be
done. In fact, it can be argued that a full "in basket" is essential
for success. It means your time is in demand!
Regardless of who you are or what you do, however, remember that nothing
is more important than your own sense of happiness and inner peace and
that of your loved ones. If you're obsessed with getting everything
done, you'll never have a sense of well being! In reality, almost
everything can wait. Very little in our work lives truly falls into the
"emergency" category. If you stay focused on your work, it will all get
done in due time.
I find that if I remind myself (frequently) that the purpose of life
isn't to get it all done but to enjoy each step along the way and live a
life filled with love, it's far easier for me to control my obsession
with completing my list of things to do. Remember, when you die, there
will still be unfinished business to take care of. And you know what?
Someone else will do it for you! Don't waste any more precious moments
of your life regretting the inevitable.

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