Friday, July 18, 2008


Earlier this year, I began a simple diet and exercise routine that was semi-successful. I only stuck with it for about six weeks, but those were the best six weeks I'd had in years. I monitored everything that I ate with a web program called FitDay and did running/walking intervals that got progressively more challenging week after week. At first, I could barely walk for 30 minutes at a time without being out of breath. But, as the weeks went on my body began to adapt and become more fit. I could feel the changes as they were happening. This made me very, very happy. I had a real sense of completeness, as being active and healthy has always been the lifestyle I wanted. Then, one day I cheated on my diet and didn't exercise. That zapped the momentum out of my program. It all unraveled very quickly. Then I realised it had been a week since I exercised. That week became two, three weeks... then a month, two months passed... and here we are four months later. I have reverted back to my sedentary, pizza eating, beer swiggling, bourbon guzzling, non-active, non-healthy self. Needless to say, it has been a dark, dark four months for me. I have decided that there is no better time to switch back into exercise mode than right now.

Next Post: Purpose for running

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